Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Mos Eisley Remembered...

I'm constantly asked by my US buddies about how seedy and sinister the Asian nightlife can be. It's easy maintain this perception, from a US History perspective, that the Chinese still run opium dens and efficiently operate white slavery rings so they must have similar operations still surviving and perpetuating the social scene today. While I'm sure there are still members of the Tongs society actively involved in the trade, you'd be surprised to know whether the US is taking a cue from Asia or vice versa, nightlife here is generally the same. With a few cultural exceptions of course...
A reprint from a recent email to my buddies on the subject which captures it all...

The Opium Den rocks bub! To quote Obi Wan Kenobe in Star Wars speaking of the Mos Eisley space port bar…”you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy…you must be cautious!” We are starting a trend at venturing into the most ridiculously sinful looking local Asian bars just to see how long we can put up with the smell and bad Karaoke while they endure us purposefully being genuine pricks. Usually the smell wins.

Seriously though, Singapore is a gem compared to the Manilas and Malaysias of the world my friends. Extremely safe and almost over-civilized to the point of creating a population long-since lobotomized from dissent, rebellion, violence, and emotion.

Now, that’s not to say that I am remiss to locate a den of iniquity that rivals even the most decadent Yesse Fields Home Theatre offering. There is plenty of outward debauchery here including Orchard Towers (Four Floors of Whores), Hookers working in pairs on Boat Quay, and, more up Arthur’s alley, the Lady Boys of Singapura who just kinda keep ya guessing (Is that an Adam’s apple I see?).

My Aussie buddy John (The Man From Snowy River) and I met a couple of geishas at the Pump Room one night. There nicknames for the evening were “Hey Yu” and “Baby Thai”. J You could call them Bar Code/RFID #441 or ‘Thing’ for all they care.

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